Wednesday 1 July 2009

A bit of Architecture...

Here are some details from a job I finished recently for
a children's guidebook for The National Trust.
It's been quite a while since I did any architectural illustration...


  1. Its a beautiful illustration - the shadows across the building are a lovely touch.

  2. This is really beautiful - so detailled. Great work!

  3. You have a gentle touch with watercolour, that makes the image look so simple, yet there is a great deal of detail here!
    Lovely to see some of your architectural work. I look forward to seeing more.

  4. Actually... I think I may have been deceived! I assumed it was watercolour, but now I am not so sure!

    Lovely, whatever it is.

  5. Oh Wow, Mary! Gorgeous! That's exactly how I remember the light in England, so beautifully soft.

    x Alisa

  6. Yes, these illustrations are digital (scanned-in pencil line and coloured in good old photoshop) - well spotted June!

  7. i had to rub my eyes to see whether these were illustrations! amazing detail and draftsmanship!
